The Sweet Spot of Spinning - Cadence vs Resistance

August 7, 2023

Written by Sally Larrington-Brown

What is Cadence?

Cadence, or pedalling speed, is measured in revolutions per minute (RPM). A higher cadence can help you generate more speed with less effort because each foot stroke will be shorter and quicker, but over time can cause stress on the knee joints. For a simulated flat road, a good rule of thumb is to aim for 80-100 RPM. When climbing hills or riding against strong headwinds, 60-80 RPM should suffice.

What is Resistance?

Resistance refers to the force required for each rotation of the pedals. It’s often referred to as “gear” on a bike because it changes the amount of work that needs to be done with each turn of the crank arm. When setting the resistance too high, your knees, hips and back can take a beating—so make sure they don’t suffer unnecessarily by adjusting accordingly. You want just enough resistance so that your butt is not bouncing in the saddle but rather feel like your legs have a slight burn in them when peddling at their desired RPM. Adding resistance can also help improve endurance by building muscle strength over time and allowing for longer rides without getting exhausted quickly. On all our rides, the instructor will alternate the drills between different levels of resistance every few minutes so that your muscles don't become overwhelmed with fatigue too soon.


Finding an optimal balance between cadence and resistance will make all the difference when it comes to maximizing your cycling performance. Aim for 80-100 RPM on the flat road and 60-80 RPM on hill climbs—anything higher than 110 indicates that you need more resistance and is detrimental to knee health and longevity. That said, beware of setting too much resistance, under 50 RPM, as it can put unnecessary strain on your joints leading to aches and pains down the road. By keeping these tips in mind during your next spin class, you'll be able find that sweet spot between speed and resistance—ensuring maximum enjoyment every time!


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